Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Enabler - Milwaukee, WI. - Metal/Hardcore/Punk

"The world is fucked and this is the soundtrack to it's demise." - Enabler.

This statement sums up what you hear when listening to this Milwaukee based band.

Enabler writes chaotic, bone crushing riffs, complimented by drummer Andy Hurley's intense thrashing, all of which will make you rethink your worth as a human being.

The band's most recent release, Enabler / Drainland Split is out on 7" via Halo of Flies.

Band: Enabler

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

[bandcamp album=1550439365  bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]


For fans of: Masakari, Protestant, Early Graves, Cursed, Young And In The Way.

Label: Southern LordHalo of Flies, Creator Destructor

The band will hit up the Midwest for a few dates in March before and after heading to Texas for SXSW. Don't miss 'em!



  1. [...] for the free digital comp, including the likes of… The Reptilian, Angry Gods, Sick/Tired, Enabler (MKE), Rvins, Omens, William Bonney, Stay Ahead of the Weather, Jowls, Texas Instruments, [...]
