Monday, June 4, 2012

Help! Give us your feedback on Skeletal Lightning

Help us out by filling out this quick 5-minute survey.

Really like something about the site? Had any trouble navigating the site? Would you like to see more of something? Is there something you don't care for?

Help make the site better by telling us your thoughts below.

*We will respond to your feedback given that an email address is provided.

Thanks for reading!

[contact-form] [contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="true" /] [contact-field label="Email (for a response to your feedback)" type="email" /] [contact-field label="Overall thoughts on the site?" type="textarea" /] [contact-field label="How do you like the content?" type="textarea" /] [contact-field label="What would you like to see more of?" type="textarea" /] [contact-field label="I wish Skeletal Lightning would..." type="textarea" /] [contact-field label="The site is..." type="select" options="Easy to navigate,Decent to navigate,Difficult to navigate" /] [contact-field label="While browsing the site, I..." type="select" options="discovered a lot of new bands,discovered a few new bands,haven\'t discovered any new bands,Didn\'t care for any of the bands featured" /] [contact-field label="Other comments, thoughts, suggestions?" type="textarea" /] [/contact-form]

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