Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rvins - Champaign, IL - Down-Tempo/Sludge

This first post goes out to the hardest working musicians and best friends I know.

With some of the catchiest riffs and most pummeling drums, Rvins only seems to get heavier with each release. Their debut EP, Lungs, released nearly one year ago, sold out of the first pressing (and for good reason).

The most recent release, Maltross / Rvins splitfeaturing the song "The Black Opus," takes listeners along for the ride with some of the heaviest riffs east of the Mississippi.

Now, teaming up with Chicago's Good Night & Good Morning for an out of this world collaboration, Rvins looks to defy genres yet again, giving fans a completely new listening experience.

Look for the collaboration to be released in March through Error Records.

Artist: Rvins

Location: Champaign/Elgin, Illinois

For fans of: Pelican, Isis, Giant, Crowbar.

Record LabelError Records

Buy here

[bandcamp album=3412298274 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]


1 comment:

  1. [...] digital comp, including the likes of… The Reptilian, Angry Gods, Sick/Tired, Enabler (MKE), Rvins, Omens, William Bonney, Stay Ahead of the Weather, Jowls, Texas Instruments, Strangers Now, and [...]
